All Saints CE Academy, Denstone offers flexible Nursery places for children aged 3 and 4.
Children are eligible for places in our Nursery from their third birthday. The sessions are led by Mrs Wilson, Early Years Teacher, assisted by Miss Roughton am and Miss McBride pm, who are fully qualified Teaching Assistants. Sessions are available Monday to Friday during term time. We can accept children during the term in which they celebrate their third birthday – session fees are payable. From the term after their third birthday, Early Education Funding (EEF) is available up to a maximum of 15 hours. An additional 15 hours of Extended Hours funding (totalling 30 hours per week) is available for families who meet the HMRC Extended Hours criteria.
To check eligibilty for 30 hour funding and Tax Free Childcare - Click Here
Sessions in excess of funded sessions will be charged at £6.00 per hour, and £1.50 per quarter-hour.
Session times are as follows:
- 8.55am to 12 noon
- 8.55am to 1pm (including lunch)
- 8.55am to 3.20pm (including lunch)
- 1.00pm to 3.20pm
(You may provide a packed lunch or purchase a school meal at a cost of £2.85)
Places can be booked for a morning session, afternoon or for the whole day.
Please click on the links below to download our nursery documents
Nursery Application Form
Nursery Booking Form
Nursery Admissions Policy
Parent Declaration for Early Education Funding Form (EEF)
Our places are limited and fill up quickly so early application is essential. If you have any questions please contact the school office.
The children attending Nursery wear a blue sweatshirt or cardigan and white polo shirt with comfortable playwear such as trousers or leggings.
Early Years Pupil Premium
Some three and four years olds are eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium. Parents will need to complete the relevant paperwork.
From April 2015, nurseries, schools, childminders and other childcare providers have been able to claim extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium to support children’s development, learning and care.
National data and research tells us that children eligible for free school meals tend to do less well, e.g. in 2014, 45% of children eligible for free school meals achieved the expected level at the end of the early years foundation stage compared with 64% of other children. The Early Years Pupil Premium will provide us with extra funding to help close that gap.
We can use the extra funding in any we we choose to improve the quality of the early years education that we provide for your child. This could include, for example, additional training for our staff on early language, resources to support home learning, investing in a partnership working with our colleagues in the area to further our expertise or supporting our staff in working on specialised areas such as speech and language.
The money is paid directly to the provider by the Local Authority. The school office has forms to enable you to apply for the funding or can give you the number of the Local Authority so that you can check your eligibility.