Welcome to our home learning page!
Our Remote education provision: information for parents document is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. Our Review of The Saints Academies remote education provision document allows you to see what our vision and approach is towards remote education.
During these difficult times, we would like to support families the best way that we can. Each week your child’s class teacher will upload, or email work and ideas for you to complete with your child. Packs will also be printed out and available in our foyer area for anyone who is struggling to access online learning. There will be some activities that your child can complete independently and others where they may need some guidance. As always, our priority is the children and their well-being, if all of the work provided for that day doesn’t fit with your current lifestyle please don’t worry.
Please click under your child’s year group on the date link to find a suggested timetable of activities for you to follow.
These activities can never replace being in a class with friends and or with the teaching staff – they are there to help you keep some structure to your days, keep your child/children active, continue good habits for learning and let them know that their teachers are thinking of them.
As well as these activities there is a whole range of links to websites dedicated to education.
Relax Kids – Back to Calm
Wildlife Trusts – Random Acts of Wildness
Wellbeing Activities
The Oak National Academy
BBC Bitesize
Staying Safe Online activities
PE with Joe Wicks 2021
Time4Sport are running free virtual family health and well-being clubs via YouTube during lockdown. These are for families with children aged 2 to 15. The sessions start on the week commencing 18th January on a Monday 3-4pm or a Friday 1-2pm and will include weekly workouts, fun physical challenges, motivation and support from your own Time4Sport coach with advice for parents/ carers on topics such as health eating on a budget.
To sign up, click on this link and complete the form https://forms.gle/YovDaqiY4rCk2tTS9
Additional links to TT Rockstars, Discovery education, etc. can be found on our Useful Links page.