Coronavirus – COVID-19

Please follow the links to the latest information  for Parents & Carers:

Coronavirus continues to be a threat at this time. As a school, we are receiving regular updates and guidance both from DfE and NHS.


Guidance for Schools: Covid-19

Covid-19 Risk Assessment update February 2022

Outbreak Management Plan Version: One

Letter to parents ahead of opening - Sept 2021

Letter from Public Health England - 23rd September 2020


Please see the mental health section of our website for any help you or your child may need regarding Coronavirus.



We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.